10 Funniest DC Comic Book Covers

6. Mister Miracle 2018 #10

Action Comics #454
DC Comics

Should a cover that shows Mister Miracle weeping be funny? Logically, the answer would be no. But add the fact that he’s crying at a birthday party – while wearing a plastic Batman mask – and suddenly it’s very, very difficult to not consider it hysterical.

Alright, so it's his son's birthday and he's about to have to give him to Darkseid, so it is pretty sad - it's just you don't know that by just seeing the cover.

In retrospect, maybe the only true way to make sad situations brighter is to put on children’s superhero costumes and just stare at your own reflection. It can’t be the worst coping mechanism, that’s for sure.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.