10 Funniest DC Comic Book Covers

4. Action Comics #454

Action Comics #454
DC Comics

There’s a strange kind of talent in making a cover that is both really funny, and also genuinely interesting.

The cover of Action Comics #454 is maybe the best example of this in recorded human history, unless you headcanon that Superman downs burgers all day every day, of course. It's not his fault, but waitresses generally can't sense supernatural energy draining, so only Superman knows he's not being the worst willingly.

The trend of Superman having to do weird things for a justifiable reason is one that goes back as far as he’s existed. But you take one look at the expressions of everyone else on that page, and you know – you just know – that they will consider Superman a very rude, very strange, and very hungry man for the rest of time.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.