10 Funniest DC Comic Book Covers

3. Flash 1968 #177

Action Comics #454
DC Comics

Continuing the unusual but persistent theme of Flash having a large head as a plot point is the cover of the strange but lovable #177.

Few things on this Earth is as funny as the concept of an artist getting a brief that solely requests a sad looking Flash with a forehead that looks like he’s hiding a water balloon on his head. The best part is that this is one of a frankly concerning number of comics that focus on Flash's apparent phobia of having a large forehead, partially because it's part of an evil plot carried out by the Trickster, but presumably also because he's a little shy.

Combine this with the sheer looks of horror he’s getting – as though his new head is somehow terrifying instead of low-key worrying – and you have a surprisingly engaging cover on your hands.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.