10 Great Supervillains With Terrible Origin Stories

6. Gorilla Grodd Is A Second Generation Magic Ape

Lex Luthor Bald
DC Comics

If you've read much of classic comics, you may have picked up on one thing: old school comics really, really love gorillas. Perhaps too much.

This would explain why, instead of Grodd (or Grodd-Son, rather) merely being a gorilla who happened to become super-smart one way or another, he instead is from a group of already advanced apes given their powers by the goddam Speed Force, which apparently these simians worship as a sort of god, having seen it supposedly wipe out the Mayans years before.

That's right: not only are the apes aware of a part of history we have been trying to work out for years, and are somehow connected to the Speed Force, but they also have managed to keep a city of hyper-intelligent apes hidden from us for so long they have had new generations come to adulthood. Humans in the world of DC are seriously low down on the chain of evolution, is all.

The funniest part of all of this is that his original backstory - that merely had the original Grodd become super intelligent and telepathic because of his exposure to a space-rock - actually feels way less crazy than the revised version of events.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.