10 Great Supervillains With Terrible Origin Stories

7. Barbara Minerva Becomes A Cheetah God

Lex Luthor Bald
DC Comics

While Cheetah is not the most creative supervillain name of all time, she certainly is a good villain - scary, strong, and the kind of character you could dress as for Halloween without having to break the bank.

And though her backstory is undeniably metal as hell - being turned into an ancient cheetah god through a ritual basically has to be - the original version of events has some... unfortunate plot lines. Mainly the fact that, initially, Cheetah only turned into this form during the full moon - because the ritual needed a virgin to be properly completed, and Barbara Ann Minerva, as it turned out, had been getting down in her free time.

Given this plot point was changed not too much later, with Circe providing her a remedy for this that turned Barbara fully into cheetah form, it really didn't need to be included, as generally you have to imagine an ancient cheetah god doesn't care whether you've been boning down or not.

In a smart decision, this particular little element would be retconned out of existence after Flashpoint, and we were all a little better off for it.


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