10 Great Supervillains With Terrible Origin Stories

3. DeSaad Really, Really Hates Cats

Lex Luthor Bald
Marvel Comics

it's safe to say that anyone who interacted with Darkseid in their youth ends up messed up. He doesn't even have to torture you, really - he's just the kind of dude who simply corrupts everyone he so much as orders fast food from.

That said, DeSaad's past - specifically his past with Darkseid - is surreal when you compare it to the likes of the infinitely suffering Mister Miracle.

Because DeSaad wasn't put through extreme circumstances, or tortured or brainwashed, or any of the things that usually happen to those Darkseid keeps close to him. No, DeSaad... had a bad experience with his pets.

When DeSaad was young, Darkseid would pull a bizarre stunt on him that would convince the young inhabitant of New Genesis that his pet cat had murdered his pet bird. This would be pretty traumatic for any kid, but not quite enough to turn them fully evil and convince them to torture innocent people, as was the result for DeSaad.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.