10 Great Supervillains With Terrible Origin Stories

2. Cassandra Nova

Lex Luthor Bald
Marvel Comics

Now, initially Cassandra's story sounds fascinating - and pretty well written - if you hear bits of it out of context. After all, the story of a twin we didn't know about because of unusual birth circumstances isn't unheard of in the world of story creation, especially if said sibling is none other than Professor X.

However, Cassandra's full origin story is almost needlessly weird. Instead of just being a baby that Xavier ousted in the womb - thus giving her a fair reason to be still mad after all these years - Nova is a Mummandrai, which is most easily described as sort of an evil spirit.

As such, she uses Charles' great powers to give herself a human form, only for him to somehow sense she is evil (as a baby not even born yet) and zap her out of there. As a Mummandrai, though, Cassandra doesn't die, instead spending years growing as a series of cells on a sewer wall until she can enact revenge.

It's by no means the weirdest aspect of Xavier's life, but you have to question why they couldn't have made the plot so she was just another human with powers, especially because it would have made for a much more complex case of grey morality than outright stating "she is an evil entity". Oh, and also having two unborn children fight in the womb is... maybe not something you want in a serious comic book.


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