10 Greatest Comic Book Super-Villains

8. Loki

Loki By Odin's beard, only 8th on the list? Loki certainly has won over a lot of new fans in the last couple of years thanks to Tom Hiddleston's memorable performances as the trickster god in the Marvel movies Thor and The Avengers, putting Loki firmly on the map of great Marvel villains. Originally born in Jotunheim, Loki was adopted by Odin after a successful campaign against the Frost Giants and raised as his son alongside his half-brother Thor. Loki turned against Odin and his family when he discovered he was adopted, and attempted to take the throne of Asgard for himself. Though physically inferior to Thor, Loki's high intelligence makes him a formidable opponent in a fight as he's likely to have more than a few tricks up his sleeve. He also has god-like powers, making him physically stronger and faster than the average human while he also has a mastery of magic and the ability to change his appearance when needed. Visually, the green and gold colour scheme is distinct and the giant golden horned helmet is a nice touch. Moreover, his arrogant attitude and passionate hatred of Thor makes him a great supervillain €“ whenever he shows up, he oozes evil but seems to love it! Who doesn't enjoy a bad guy who loves being bad?

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