10 Hilariously Bad Comic Book Panels You Won't Believe Exist

7. That Face - Countdown #36 (1990)

Batman Injustice
DC Comics

Countdown is regarded as one one of the worst DC events in history. The dialogue is shoddy, the characterisation is unforgivable, and the story is impossible to follow unless you read 40 spin-offs, which are equally dire.

Countdown also contains so much woeful artwork, we could've easily filled this whole list with entries from the series alone. But if we had to choose one example, it would have to be a legendarily awful panel from Countdown #36.

In this issue, Mary Marvel has become corrupted by Black Adam's power, which encourages her to seek guidance from magic-wielder, Zatanna. But after she enters Zatanna's domain, Mary becomes unhinged, and grabs a magic rod, hoping it'll amplify her magical properties.

As the rod's energy surges through her body, Mary's face is filled with... well, I don't what, to be honest. Although Mary is meant to appear elated, she looks as if she's gotten a little too excited, if you know what I mean. (It doesn't help that the rod looks like... well... you know.)

Because of her goofy smile and the lack of features across her face, this artwork doesn't just look bad, but incomplete.

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