10 Hilariously Bad Comic Book Panels You Won't Believe Exist

6. What's Spider-Man's Name Again? - Amazing Spider-Man #3 (1963)

Batman Injustice
Marvel Comics

After creating or co-creating over 600 comic book characters, you may wonder how Stan Lee was able to keep track of them all.

Simple. He didn't.

Despite his influence on the comic world, Stan the Man has made it clear he wasn't blessed with a good memory. In Amazing Spider-Man #1, Lee referred to our titular hero as "Peter Palmer" at one point. In another issue, he called Bruce Banner "Bob", forcing him to retcon the character's name.

However, you have to cut Stan Lee some slack. If you had to devise a new character every week for decades, you would slip up as well.

However, it's hard to justify the blunder in Amazing Spider-Man #3. This issue is iconic since it debuted one of Spidey's greatest foes, Doctor Octopus. Unfortunately, Otto Octavius' grand reveal is ruined due to a small but unmistakable spelling mistake.

When Spider-Man confronts Doc Ock for the first time, the tentacled supervillain refers to our hero as "Super-Man"!

What makes this gaffe funnier is the fact Stan Lee placed a hyphen in Spider-Man's name so readers wouldn't mix up his name with Superman... How embarrassing and deeply ironic.

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