10 Hilariously Bad Comic Book Panels You Won't Believe Exist

5. Stephen Hawking - JLA #38 (2000)

Batman Injustice
DC Comics

After a part of the Justice League's Watchtower blows up, Batman and the other members do everything they can to stop the entire facility from exploding.

While making his way through the Watchtower, Bats discovers it has been infiltrated by a supervillain called Prometheus. Prometheus' helmet is designed so it can download information directly into his brain with the flick of a switch. Since Prometheus has loaded the device with data on the world's best martial artists and gymnasts, not even Batman could match his physical skills.

Fortunately, the Dark Knight prepared for this eventuality, and had the helmet's program overwritten the instant Prometheus activated it. So, instead of being endowed with the powers of the world's greatest fighters, Prometheus took on the physical abilities of ALS sufferer, Stephen Hawking. Unable to move, Prometheus was defeated with a single punch.

Although Batman's strategy is really clever, it looks unintentionally hilarious to watch the caped crusader punching a supervillain while yelling "PROFESSOR STEPHEN HAWKING!" at the top of his lungs. This panel seems so random out-of-context, many would assume it was fan-art or photoshopped.

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