10 Hilariously Rubbish Comic Book Villains

5. Ten-Eyed Man

From the sound of his name, you might think Ten-Eyed Man has the potential to be a dangerous supervillain. After losing his eyesight during a fight with Batman, Ten-Eyed Man had his optic nerves reconnected to his fingertips, which apparently is enough to let you see out of each individual finger. While you might think that could come in 'handy,' it really isn't an ability you want if you're fighting superheroes on a regular basis. In just about every one of Ten-Eyed-Man's appearances, he was easily defeated by having his sensitive finger tips injured by being tricked into catching an object. Maybe if Ten-Eyed Man had managed to actually train himself to not instinctively catch every object Batman throws his way, he could have potentially been a potent supervillain.
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