10 Hilariously Rubbish Comic Book Villains

6. Polka-Dot Man

It's always good to have a decent symbol of some kind, if you're thinking of going into the superhero or supervillain business. Batman is the king of this, using his persona and bat imagery to incite fear in his foes. On the other hand, Polka-Dot Man has somehow used the least scary thing imaginable. There's just no way to make colourful dots scary. It's too abstract to transform them into something terrifying, regardless of the fact that Polka-Dot Man has found a way of turning them into weapons. He was also caught in a ridiculously stupid way, as Batman realised that this crimes were taking place in a 'join-the-dot' pattern around Gotham. They just waited for the final 'dot,' and took him in.
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Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.