10 Hilariously Rubbish Comic Book Villains

3. Kite Man

One of the most ridiculed Batman villains ever, Kite Man has two loves in his life: crime and kites. Building a number of "trick kites," Kite Man set out on a crime spree across Gotham City. He doesn't have any special powers beyond being able to build a jet-powered kite, a "net-trap" kite, and a kite that blinds pursuers. The things is, almost any other flying craft is better than a kite. An amateur helicopter pilot is more than enough to catch someone drifting around on the wind. Unfortunately, Batman was infected by the stupidity. In order to capture Kite Man, the Caped Crusader went and built himself a series of kites, leading to one of the lamest chase scenes ever drawn.
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Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.