10 Hilariously Rubbish Comic Book Villains

2. The Condiment King

Well, everyone needs a gimmick of some kind. Condiment King makes use of a variety of condiments in order to take down his foes, usually fired from a special condiment gun. The only actual danger he could cause was the possibility of sending his 'victims' into anaphylactic shock, which is only useful if Batman has secret allergies. In fairness, the Condiment King has always been more of a tongue-in-cheek figure, originally introduced in Batman: The Animated Series, since making appearances in various comic series. It can be a bit jarring though, when the Caped Crusader goes from battling the brutality of Joker or the Penguin, before clearing up a mess left behind by the Condiment King. Also, he once said this: "I knew you'd ketchup to me sooner or later. How I relished this meeting." Those puns just don't cut the mustard.
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Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.