10 Horrifying Comic Implications

3. Thanos Chooses Regular Humans To Pick On

lizard spiderman
Marvel Comics

Now, it's not exactly a secret that Thanos hates most living creates, for reasons varying between "pragmatic but awful" to "absolutely surreal". It does seem he has a special corner of his heart reserved for hating humans, though, as we learn in Thanos Annual #1 that the Mad Titan appears to pick random people, and then just... pick on them, from the moment they are born to the moment they die.

We see this through David, an unfortunate victim of these circumstances, who is constantly sabotaged by Thanos at every waking turn, with the villain appear on his birthday every year to do something mean. This varies from weirdly petty stuff - like ruining David's relationship with his girlfriend by sending her a nasty text, and stealing his blanket when he's asleep - to burning down the grad school he'd gotten into, and poisoning all his friends at his twenty-first birthday party.

The most messed up part is, this doesn't seem to be for any reason: he's just a really, really awful guy, even by regular Marvel villain standards.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.