10 Horrifying Comic Implications

2. Batman Is An Unkillable Spirit Of Justice

lizard spiderman
DC Comics

Now, we all know Batman is more or less impervious to death in the comics - because he's simply too good and too beloved of a character for DC to ever let go of him, let alone the fact that the man himself simply plans for too many scenarios to ever be killed, seemingly.

But it's suggested it's much more serious than that in Neil Gaiman's Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? Here, the implication is that while Bruce Wayne himself is capable of passing away, the figure of Batman will be reborn - and not in a metaphorical sense, either, in a very literal sense reincarnated.

This is cool as hell - because on one hand, infinite Batman! But on the other, there is the striking suggestion that Bruce did not opt in to be Batman, but was rather chosen by fate to do a job that would ruin his entire life and eventually lead to his death. It's... a little bit less fun to be Batman this way, it'd seem.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.