10 HUGE Comics Moments (That Were Revealed In Spin-Offs)

7. Nightwing Is Shot - Batman #55

Joker Batman
DC Comics

While most Dick Grayson fans generally also like his mentor and adopted father Batman, there are no doubt folks out there who read the Nightwing comic while passing up on reading the Batman or Detective Comics series.

And these fans were in for a huge shock when the storyline of Nightwing #49 was not followed up on in issue 50, as this instead covered the aftermath of Grayson being shot in the head and getting amnesia, which took place in Batman #55. The Nightwing comic does an okay job of explaining the details of this event - briefly showing what happened and how it has drastically changed the life of the young man.

But it still feels like a bit of a punch in the gut to have the most important event in Richard's recent history to take place outside of his own adventures. This is doubly true when you take into account the fact that this storyline in the Batman comic lasts for all of three issues, whereas it's still an ongoing arc in the Nightwing comic some twenty issues later.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.