10 HUGE Comics Moments (That Were Revealed In Spin-Offs)

6. Everything Changes - House Of M

Joker Batman
Marvel Comics

As far a universe-changing comic events go, House of M is nowadays a pretty well-known one. It involves Scarlet Witch taking a swan dive into insanity, culminating in her using her reality-warping powers to get rid of mutants and mutant powers altogether.

But, for anyone who wasn't reading House of M, there was some pretty drastic and unexpected changes in store. This was almost obvious for comics like the X-Men, but it also affected the likes of the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man. As such, many who weren't interested in the M series foud their favourite characters mysterious and seemingly irreparably changed by this event.

Mercifully for fans, this would prove a temporary alteration, but that also came with its own share of issues. Because the series that were featured in this storyline differed in the length they would be altered for, with the Incredibly Hulk being changed for four issues, whereas series like the Black Panther were only changed for one. As such, you could never quite be sure what would be altered, and for how long.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.