10 Human Comic Book Anti Heroes You Don't Want To F**k With ... Ever!

7. Marv (Sin City)

Sin City Marv With a name like Marv you really do need to be a bit of a hard man. With his gigantic size (described as over 7 foot tall), his flat top haircut and hideous scarred mush he is the very personification of what Frank Miller calls "Conan in a trench coat". But don't be fooled by this monstrous man with the love of inflicting pain because he has a softer side too - although it's not the soft side you might think of but rather a soft side that means he'll kill for the people he cares about. Do not mistake Marv's carin, loyal side as a weakness though because it will be the last mistake you ever make. He may have been killed for love but it took several attempts for the law to put the big dog down and all while he was strapped in an electric chair talking smack. Voted numer 24 in the Wizard 100 greatest comic book characters of all time Marv ranks even higher in our list of the 10 comic book heroes you just wouldn't want to f**k with and it only takes one look at him in the film adaptation to see exactly why. Love him or hate him Marv will forever be remembered for 7 iconic words: "Is that all ya got ya pansies?". Well, is it?
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.