10 Human Comic Book Anti Heroes You Don't Want To F**k With ... Ever!

3. Rorschach (Watchmen)

Rorschach Unlike The Comedian Rorschach does have an understanding of right and wrong. In fact so strong are his morals that he has absolutely no qualms maiming, crippling or murdering any one he sees as a wrongdoer as long as he is able to bring them to justice. Rorschach - real name Walter Kovacs - is a masked vigilante who refuses to give up his anti hero persona even when the Government enforced an act that regulated the activities of so-called superheroes. This made him a wanted man in the eyes of the law leading him to kill anyone who stood in the way of his special brand of unflinching, brutal justice. One of the things that makes Rorschach so dangerous is his refusal to accept that he is a normal man. When he is captured by the police and forced to remove his mask he screams "give me back my face" and later reveals Walter Kovacs is simply his secret identity. Believing himself to really be the ink-blot mask wearing mad man Kovacs instantly becomes more dangerous and his belief that what he is doing is right means he is someone you really never want to cross. It will likely cost you your life.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.