10 Human Comic Book Anti Heroes You Don't Want To F**k With ... Ever!

4. Judge Dredd (Judge Dredd)

Judge Dredd Judge Joseph Dredd is the personification of THE LAW. Just ask him, he'll tell you. As one of Mega-City One's appointed law men he takes his job very seriously and is the worst nightmare of any wrongdoer in the post-apocalyptic future. Armed with his lawgiver hand gun, grenades, a day stick and a bad temper Dredd is the go to guy for the Judges whenever anyone or anything threatens the balance of good and evil in his city. Cloned from the first Chief Judge, Dredd lives, eats and breathes law and sees it as his purpose in life to ensure that criminals are captured and sentenced as quickly as possible. If the sentence just happens to be death then even better. Ageing in real time Dredd is pretty old by now having been in print since 1977 but is as big a threat as he ever was. According to the comics he has been a Street Judge for over half a century. He's the ultimate badass cop who cannot be bought or reasoned with. He's like The Terminator in human form but that doesn't make him any less dangerous. In fact think Dirty Harry on steroids. So all you have to do now is ask yourself "Do I feel lucky?" - well, do you?
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.