10 Human Comic Book Characters With Better Prep Skills Than Batman

1. Tony Stark (Marvel Comics)

Tony Stark Plugged Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man, is of course higher on the prep scale than Batman. From the first Iron Man armour, which he built out of what was essentially scrap whilst in the captivity of the villainous Wong-Chu in Vietnam, Tony Stark has proven himself to be a very capable inventor and master of prep. Since then, he has created a near endless array of high-tech armours that all generally possess the abilities of super-strength and durability, flight and energy blasts, as well as telepathy-blocking technology and other esoteric abilities. Stark is far from just an inventor of armour, however. For example, he deleted the contents of his own brain and kept it safe so that it could be re-installed later, just to prevent Norman Osborn from finding out certain bits of information in there. Again, that's a level of prep that Batman could only dream of. Not only that, but Stark has also weaponised the sun using an invention he created called "Sol's Hammer". It was built with the intention of protecting Marvel Earth from colliding with other planets, by virtue of destroying them before impact. So powerful was it that, at two percent, it was operational and capable of doing its job. That is correct - Tony Stark invented a piece of technology that could destroy planets when it was only at two percent power. He's done a hell of a lot more than that, but need I really go on? Good luck with ever doing anything that amazing, Mr. Wayne. Of course, this list isn't the full extent of the human comic book characters who are better at prep than Batman - there are a large number of others who can outdo him - but it certainly gives you an idea of how far behind he is with regards to the abilities of certain other characters. And there you have it; ten human comic book characters with better prep skills than Batman. Do you like this list? Which other characters would you like to add? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.