10 Iconic Superhero Team-Ups Fans Love

2. Batman And Superman

Batman Superman
DC Comics

Superman was first published in Action Comics #1 (1938). One year later Batman was introduced in Detective Comics #27. Both were incredibly popular, and while they occasionally were featured on covers together or in a handful of panels, it wasn't until 1952 that they officially met in Superman #76.

Their first team-up was also when they discovered each other's secret identities. Since then they have continued to regularly team-up and are close friends.

Batman has no powers and must use his wit and intelligence to outmaneuver criminals. Superman is a nearly invulnerable alien with many powers. Both have a no-kill policy, but Batman's is a strange mix of fierce self-control and a fear of losing himself. The fear that if he crosses that line and kills he won't be able to stop.

Batman is deeply haunted by the death of his parents who were murdered in front of him. He has no qualms torturing and using extreme violence to fight crime.

Superman, on the other hand, was a baby when his parents died and was raised by a loving adopted Earth family. He is an all-American farm boy at heart and deeply optimistic about humanity.

That both are orphans who became heroes but dealt with extreme loss in such different ways, adds something fascinating to their friendship. With close to 70 years of crossovers, readers are still always excited to see what a new team-up will brings.


West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.