10 Idiotic Mistakes That Almost Ruined Spider-Man

7. Annulling The Peter/MJ Marriage - Amazing Spider-Man #545

Scarlet Spider Replace Peter Parker
Marvel Comics

Contrary to the beliefs of the editors at Marvel and DC, fans love to see characters that have been together for years eventually tying the knot. It's a traditional method to display a pair's love for one another, but also one that tells fans that a given relationship is going to be a regular thing. Comics marriages also often end up being the pay-off of years of stories, making such events satisfying as well as significant.

For these reasons, annulling a marriage is always going to anger readers - particularly if it isn't done in an organic fashion.

This is exactly what happened when Peter traded his marriage with MJ for the life of Aunt May in the infamous One More Day.

Not only did Peter trade his marriage, he also traded the life of his and MJ's future daughter - all because he trusted the devil and wanted to sure his elderly aunt May wouldn't die.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!