10 Important Life Lessons Comic Books Teach Us (In Elaborate Ways)

6. Multi-Tasking Isn't So Hard

So, you complain because you've been asked by your boss to put the kettle on while you're writing a report, you moan when you're asked to babysit during your favourite television show and your face drops when you've got to answer the phone while you're making dinner. Grow a pair! Peter Parker balances being a student and pursuing a career in photography with saving New York from super-powered villains! Superman saves the world from cosmic threats whilst masquerading as a newspaper reporter on a daily basis! The likes of Batman, Iron Man and Green Arrow run multi-national businesses whilst carrying out their heroic duties without complaining about it! All of those characters have personal lives on top of that as well. Granted, in real life, nobody could make such a double-life seem so easy to execute, but when you've got a couple of chores to do, just think to yourself "Spider-Man's got it worse" and you'll be just fine.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.