10 Inappropriate Things Marvel And DC Want You To Forget

5. Codpiece

Mister Miracle Superman Big Barda
DC Comics

Some characters are so bad that they stick with you, even after just one appearance. Codpiece doesn't even have a real name, presumably because DC took one look at the character and decided we didn't need any more information on this creep. Who knows what Rachel Pollack and Scot Eaton were thinking when they designed this character. Just look at that helmet!

The character's origin story is possibly even dumber than the design. Codpiece's main weapon - a giant cannon - was created to compensate for his inferiority complex, caused by a girl in high school telling him he wasn't big enough. While she insists she meant his height, this sociopath took it to mean his penis and became a villain.

His reign of terror was short lived after a spree of bank robberies put Codpiece on the radar. As a new addition to the Doom Patrol, Coagula's first win was against Codpiece, when she managed to dissolve his crotch-based weaponry.


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