10 Incredibly Unlikely Duos In Comic Books

1. The Justice League/Bugs Bunny And Friends

Whenever Superman crosses over with anyone outside of the DC Universe, silliness is sure to follow. Sure enough, we wound up with one of the most far-fetched comic book crossovers in Superman & Bugs Bunny, a four issue miniseries released in the year 2000. Needless to say, it's all Mr. Mxyzptlk's fault, with the assistance of Looney Tunes pest Yoyo the Dodo. It's a surprisingly lengthy story, which sees the Looney Tunes invade every corner of the DC Universe; from Kwypton to Gotham City, leading to what the comic dubs 'Cwisis on Infinite Earths'. This frequently amusing piece is very much a product of its time, whether it be Kyle Rayner Green Lantern, Batman and Superman's very visible outside underwear, or Aquaman rocking his long hair and beard look. It's hard to imagine this sort of thing happening these days; New 52 Batman and Superman would probably have the Looney Tunes beaten senseless within five minutes. Haven't you heard? Comics aren't for kids anymore! And th-th-that, as they say, is all, f-f-folks. Thank God for that.
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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.