10 Incredibly Weird Comic Book Timelines

2. Superman: True Brit

1602 spiderman
DC Comics

Where Red Sun took itself very seriously with its dark tones and rather depressing imagery, True Brit decides to turn the whole Superman mythos into something of a tongue-in-cheek comedy.

Once again Superman's rocket doesn't land in Kansas, instead landing in England. The baby Kal-El is found by the family Clark, who upon watching a video of his origins mishear his name as Colin.

Colin grows up and discovers his powers through a series of accidents, but instead of learning to harness his abilities they are repressed through a stereotypical British reluctance to stand out.

The saga pokes fun of British tabloids with Colin later working for the Daily Smear (ew) and getting into a spot of bother over a cricket incident.

The comic wasn't overly well received: its portrayal of the conservatism of the English was considered rather out of date when it was published in late December 2004.

A certain amount of latitude needs to be given to the writer; it was their first comic book after all. The writer was John Cleese, by the way – it's no Fawlty Towers, but it's not bad.

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Wesley Cunningham-Burns hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.