10 Incredibly Weird Comic Book Timelines

3. Whom Gods Destroy

1602 spiderman
DC Comics

What if the Nazis won the war? This one question has created so many alternate timelines in books, television, movies; and it's clear why. The Nazis are very clearly defined bad guys: from their motives to the creepy leather uniforms, the Third Reich is the closest humanity has ever come to producing an actual comic book villain.

Whom Gods Destroy presents a world in which the Nazis are very much large and in charge. It also decides to throw a bunch of crazy to a wall to see what sticks.

Reading Whom Gods Destroy will have your brain contending with an awful lot: the aforementioned Nazis, Nazi Wonder Woman, old Lois Lane, trolls, Greek gods, the moon, and centaur Superman beating up a harem of lady centaurs.

There's a minotaur fight, and a pleasant ending with everyone living happy on the moon.

The amazing thing is that those are the more comprehensible aspects of the this – thankfully – limited series.

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Wesley Cunningham-Burns hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.