10 Indie Comics You Must Read Before You Die

6. Generation Gone

Saga Image Comics
Image Comics

Generation Gone is one of those comics that is so entrenched in comic history and concepts that it would not be shocking if essays were written on it. It takes the comic classic of a coming of age story with superpowered teens, but with a distinctly millennial tone throughout, reflecting the concerns of the new comic audience, meaning while it explores familiar concepts, it does so in a completely different manner to that which we've seen before.

Which is not to say the comic is overly complicated or pretentious, as it does a decent job of making the teenagers in it likeable and yet simultaneously still behave in classical teen manner. A group of friends gaining superpowers through a hacking attempt gone wrong is never going to be 100% realistic, but this is easily forgiven for the way in which each individual characters deals with their newfound abilities.

Although none of us can relate to being able to fly or having skin like steel, kids worrying about their futures and place in the world is a concept just about everyone can empathise with, making Generation Gone one of the most relatable comics of the most recent age.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.