10 Injustice Super Moves Taken Straight From The Comics
1. Brainiac - Various Comics

Brainiac's Skull Ship home is one of the coolest things to be used fairly sparingly in comics. It's had its big moments, sure - featuring in Crisis on Infinite Earths and Superman: Red Son - but for a badass looking spaceship that can shoot laser beams, the thing really doesn't get as much use as it deserves.
This makes it all the more glorious when Brainiac's finisher has the tank of a ship show up, and finish off whatever poor unfortunate Brainiac is against by blasting them with a huge blue death laser.
The move is complete with a special animation to show a look of complete horror on your opponent's face when the ship appears, too, which is the kind of cherry on the cake that makes the whole thing so much better.
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