10 Insane Alternate Superhero Origins You Won't Believe Exist

8. SuperCentaur

super bat
DC Comics

Legendary X-Men mastermind Chris Claremont went wild, perhaps a little too wild, for DC in 1996 with his astonishingly odd 4 part Elseworlds miniseries: Superman/Wonder Woman: Whom Gods Destroy.

To kicks things off, this tale’s got some alternate history thanks to a still kicking Third Reich ruled by the Greek God Adonis. Nazi Gods, who’d’ve thought?

It gets worse when it turns out Wonder Woman and indeed all members of the Greek Pantheon are in on this whole National Socialism thing too. From there, Lois Lane is transformed into a new Wonder Woman courtesy of Athena and Lana Lang gets some snazzy powers too via the Oracle of Delphi.

In the meantime, The Man of Steel is defeated by the evil with Circe into a Nazi Centaur. Yep, a Kryptonian, a Nazi and a centaur all walk into a bar whenever Clark Kent wants a drink these days. Fortunately, Superman’s traditionally more peaceful worldview is restored when Lana Lang, in the midst of riding him no less, manages to remind him of his true self before going all centaur in her own right.

Whatever it was Claremont was smoking the day he conjured all this up, we would like some.

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John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.