10 Insane Alternate Versions Of Deadpool You Won’t Believe Exist

With all the robots, zombies and existential angst you never knew you needed.

Deadpool Robot
Marvel Comics

As the patron saint of tongue-in-cheek humour and playing with comic tropes, it was practically written in the stars that Deadpool would end up having some saucy selves in alternate universes.

He's the one character who could justifiably do or be just about anything, and so long as his wit was sharp and his references were pop, you'd still recognise him as the Merc With a Mouth from a mile away.

This has only been helped with the Deadpool Kills Deadpool series, which saw light shed on the multiverse of Pools and their respective appearances and personalities. Although this does mean we have a grim awareness of many of their fates - as a ton die in said series - it's still well worth it to see just how creative and how weird the writers and artists were allowed to get.

The multiverse has never been so perfectly used as when it's letting us witness things like a Hello Kitty version of Deadpool, as the meta nature of Wade Wilson works perfectly into a cast of weird, wild, and wonderful characters - and some zombies.

10. Kidpool

Deadpool Robot
Marvel Comics

There's something so precious about a child who could definitely eviscerate you in the blink of an eye if you forgot to buy turkey dinosaurs for them in your weekly shop. This is the exact energy Kidpool gives off, as he's basically Wade if he'd gotten all his powers and killing prowess while still a tot.

As a child, this universe's Wade would go to Xaiver's Orphanage For Troubled Boys, which was their rough equivalent of our universe's School For Gifted Youngsters. As a deeply troubled kid, Wilson made few friends because of how unpredictable he was, although he would form a strange kind of bond with a young Scott Summers.

After alienating basically the entire orphanage after throwing a prank at their prom, Kidpool decided he'd rather be anywhere than with a bunch of people who hated him - which was convenient timing, as at this point our Wade showed up to whisk him away to the Deadpool Corps.

Which is arguably a much better fit for the kid, since it lets him let loose his appetite for destruction on beings who (usually) deserve it.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.