10 Insane Alternate Versions Of Thor You Won't Believe Exist
From the sublime to the ridiculous, Thor's done it all.

Throughout his history, Thor has been many things to many people. A champion to Asgard and to Earth, he has fought off countless invasions, and was even there for when Ragnarok came calling.
He is the Odinson. The God of Thunder. The Mighty. The 6 Foot Tall Frog.
Wait... what was that last one again?
It seems that life hasn't always been a bed of fine meat, glorious battles, and delicious mead for the firstborn of Asgard as, along the way, there have been times when he hasn't quite felt himself.
At times he has been replaced - when the All-Father has felt like he needed a backup plan - and other times he has been transformed into a person he just doesn't recognize when he looks in a mirror, mainly because that person is now quite literally an animal.
Yet each rendition of the man with the flowing blond locks has always had the same principles - smash the hell out of the problem at hand, and then go celebrate, Asgardian style.
But which ones are the best? Which alternate Thors stand head and shoulders above the myriad that litter the multiverse? And which ones are - and aren't - worthy of Mjolnir?
10. Roger 'Red' Norvell

When is a God not a God? When he's a camera-man who's been let into Asgard to film a documentary. Created by Roy Thomas and John Buscema, and introduced in Thor #273, old Red's rise to becomingthe hammer-wielding God of Thunder is convoluted, to say the least.
Allowed into the realm of Gods to film a documentary, it doesn't take long before it's revealed that the real reason that he and his crew have been given such access is so that they can actually film Ragnarok, which is on the verge of being realized by Loki and Hela.
While there, he falls madly in love with the Lady Sif but when she rejects him - quite violently - he decides that the only way to win her heart is to defeat Thor. With the Trickster God in his corner, he is given the powers and ability to do just that.
Driven mad by the flames of Geirrodur, he beats Thor half to death, and only stops short of killing him when his friend Joey sacrifices himself to save the fallen Odinson.
Even though it turns out that this is the All-Father's doing to create a backup Thor, there's no denying that as replacements go, Red Norvell is a pretty weird choice.