10 Insane Alternate Versions Of Wolverine You Won’t Believe Exist

7. Mr. Murderhands

Batman Wolverine Dark Claw
Marvel Comics

One of the most engrossing things about Spider-Gwen is that - since she belongs to a different universe - we also get to see exciting different versions of our favourite characters when we follow her adventures.

Wolverine isn't exempt from this, as his alternate self in this reality is only slightly different, yet undeniably fascinating.

Nicknamed "Mr. Murderhands" by his fellow SHIELD agents, Logan here gains his long life due to being a brutal Japanese samurai, who would be cursed by a witch to live for as long as all the people he killed would have - which is a kind of baller curse, all things considered.

Instead of joining up with the X-Men, Logan would instead join SHIELD and their black ops team, where he naturally excelled.

Not only is this the backstory of how our Wolverine got the same nickname - as Spider-Gwen would happily call him it, and it'd stick - but it's also nice to see an alternate universe for our James Howlett where he isn't... a serial killer. Or a robot. Or both.

Whereas a cool ex-samurai spy? It almost makes you wish he'd gotten his own dedicated comic.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.