10 Insane Batman Mysteries That Kept Fans Guessing
4. A Failed Wedding - Batman Rebirth

The wedding between Batman and Catwoman was perhaps one of the most anticipated events of recent Batman history, with many fans waiting in anticipation to see their two favourite tortured souls finally join in matrimony. This anticipation, however, was built by the fact that many didn’t believe the wedding would actually end up taking place.
After Batman #50, this sadly proved to be the case, and the question became something else entirely - why did Catwoman leave?
Initially, this appears to be a simple case of Catwoman perhaps understanding Batman too well, as she states that their marriage would have taken away his sense of purpose.
However, in one of the most unexpected endings to a comic of all time, we see Holly Robinson - one of Selina’s friends that she broke out of Arkham to witness the wedding - back in the prison, where she tells Bane that she did her job. With said job being planting doubt in Selina until she broke off the wedding, the mystery of the failed wedding appears to legitimately have been part of an evil plot led by Bane - presumably because he didn’t get an invite.