10 Insane Batman Mysteries That Kept Fans Guessing

3. How Has The Joker Returned? - Return Of The Joker

Batman Beyond Return Of The Joker Terry Bruce
Warner Bros.

Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker might just be the best comic book movie ever. A bold claim, yes, but there's something undeniably unique and haunting about the animated film, which initially premiered with a censored cut because it was so dark.

Return of the Joker - as you may have already guessed - revolves around the return of the Clown Prince of Crime to Gotham decades after his apparent death. Bruce Wayne's old and no longer Batman, in his place is a teenager called Terry McGinnis, and Terry knows absolutely nothing about the Joker; Bruce had refused to discuss his arch nemesis, and it means Terry underestimates him completely.

Batman Beyond's sole feature-length story peels back its mystery in brief but explosive moments of exposition. The suspects are there, but it's only when Barbara Gordon tells Terry about the Joker's death that viewers begin to paint an accurate picture of what's gone on.

The eventual revelation that Joker's last act of violence against Batman involved him planting a computerised failsafe personality on Tim Drake is totally wild, but it also works. It goes to show how his legacy was felt years after his death, and reiterates just how terrifying the Clown Prince can be when handled correctly.


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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.