10 Insane Marvel Alternate Universes You Won’t Believe Exist

8. The One Where The Thing Loses It - Exiles #35-36

Thanos Captain America Universe
Marvel Comics

Earth-312 explores an all too possible scenario when it comes to Ben Grimm, also known as the Thing, in that it shows us him just absolutely losing his mind due to his mutation.

While the Exiles are on their classic reality hopping shenanigans, they manage to witness the Fantastic Four of Earth-312 getting caught in the accident that would give them their powers. Everything happens the same as in the main Marvel universe, with one small exception, as Ben's rocklike transformation also appears to affect his brain, as he goes into a berserker-like rage, fighting first his family, and then half of New York.

The combined forces of the Exiles, the Fantastic Four, Otto Octavius and Tony Stark eventually managed to pacify and cure Ben's rage, but it's a solid reminder of just how deadly he could be if left unchecked. Clobbering time is not an exclusively righteous thing, after all.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.