10 Insane Times Superheroes Lost Their Powers

2. Superman - Superman (Vol. 3) #40

Captain America
DC Comics

Superman #40 - known better as the 'Powerless' storyline - brings us an interesting scenario wherein Superman discovers he is capable of releasing a huge blast of solar energy from his body, that has the coincidental side effect of totally wiping out his proper powers for roughly the next 24 hours.

It's an unusual story, focusing more on the way in which Superman interacts with the world than placing him against any villain, but this works in the comic's favor, as we see a genuinely unique take on how Clark Kent would react to adjusting to aspects of regular human life.

It's also arguably the most fun look at Superman losing his 'proper' powers that we've ever seen, with the Man of Steel having to get used to everything from hangovers and hunger to not being able to fly, with him making many endearing and entertaining mistakes along the way.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.