10 Insane Times Superheroes Lost Their Powers

1. All Mutants - House Of M

Captain America
Marvel Comics

In an insane moment that may never truly be matched again, the end of House of M marked one of the most widespread power removals of any comic ever - as when Scarlet Witch utters 'No More Mutants', the mutant population sees their powers removed, one by one.

For some, this isn't necessarily a dark events - as for those with mutations that make them reviled by the general public, like the bird-like Beak, this removes the traits that they were mocked and belittled for.

But given so many mutants had adjusted to their powers, and had lived their entire lives with them, the sense of loss felt by the vast majority of those affected is considerable, and explored for some time in the comics created after the event.

The series would also develop it's own What If? House of M spinoff, which would see Wanda instead say 'No More Powers', removing any special abilities from the world, mutation-based or otherwise.

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