10 Insane Times Supervillains Developed New Powers

6. Scarlet Witch - House Of M

scarlet witch house of m
Marvel Comics

Scarlet Witch definitely isn't a villain, but she did start off as one, and what she got up to in House of M was pretty villainous, so this counts. (Right?)

Regardless, the character's powers have always been somewhat difficult to define. It took actual years for Marvel to settle on her abilities, with her original mutant powers amounting to little more than probability manipulation. As the years have progressed. Wanda Maximoff's powers have been more closely linked to actual chaos-based magic. This was changed again when Brian Bendis took over the main Avengers title, retconning it so that she could now manipulate reality completely.

Bendis' change eventually led to House of M, the infamous storyline that completely erased the world's mutants from existence. Of course, those already around were safe, but Wanda changed it so that no one else would be born with the mutant gene.

It was a display of power far beyond anything that she'd done before, but at least she's back to being a hero.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.