10 Insane Times Supervillains Developed New Powers

5. Norman Osborn - Red Goblin

Norman Osborn Red Goblin Carnage
Marvel Comics/Alex Ross

Norman Osborn has gone through various changes since starting out as a Spider-Man villain, with the stripy-haired Goblin having even rebranded himself as an Avengers antagonist in the late noughties. For the last few years though, Norman has remained a Spidey villain, and assumed a gnarly makeover in the process.

The Green Goblin's original move-set included enhanced strength, speed and a healing factor of sorts, and that - combined with his arsenal of gliders, pumpkin bombs and toxins - made him Spider-Man's most formidable adversary. So, when stormin' Norman managed to pick up the carnage symbiote in Amazing Spider-Man #794, you can probably imagine just how bad a scenario that proved to be.

Outfitted in the psychotic red alien goop, Osborn once again remembers that Peter Parker is Spider-Man and targets him directly. His pumpkin bombs become carnage bombs, and he develops an immunity to the traditional symbiote weaknesses of sound and fire.

Peter got the upper hand in the end, reuniting with Venom to go toe-to-toe with Carnage, and the final battle eventually leaves Norman insane. Or, even more insane than he was before. You get the idea.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.