10 Insanely Detailed Comic Book Worlds That Blew Fans' Minds

8. Green Lantern - DC

Green Lantern Corps Darwyn Cooke
DC Comics/Darwyn Cooke

The Green Lantern mythos is effectively DC's very own version of Star Wars. Storylines are epic, and all tend to lean into some of the more zany elements of the sci-fi genre. Factor in an entire corps-full of brilliant space cops to choose from, and it's little wonder that Green Lantern and its surrounding titles have sustained themselves for as long as they have.

The Green Lantern line of comics spans the entire DC universe, from sectors-2814 (where Earth is) to 3600. In that sense it might be considered cheating to include them in a list of the best comic book 'worlds', but in terms of building a recognisable organisation and style of story, DC's Green Lantern books are second to none.

It's just one of those comics and mythologies so rich that writers and artists are practically able to cover whatever kind of territory they wish within its pages. We've seen procedural Green Lantern comics; big, expansive stories surrounding conflict between different forces, and even interpersonal tales of ring-bearers coming to terms with their newfound responsibility.

At its core, though, is a rich and vibrant premise visually bright as it is narratively sound. It may not always hit the mark, but GL remains one of the Silver Age's greatest ever experiments.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.