10 Insultingly Dumb Superman Comic Storylines

1. Superman Pretends To Marry His Cousin - Action Comics #260 (1960)

Superman Supergirl Kiss
DC Comics

Superman learned there are a group of aliens who have been tracking him since Krypton exploded. They wish to kill the Last Son of Krypton since Superman's ancestors defeated the aliens in battle years ago.

Supes reasons that the best way to stop this invasion is to pretend he moved to another dimension. With no Kryptonians on Earth, the aliens will be forced to call off their attack.

So, how does Superman go about this scheme? Well, he asks his cousin, Supergirl, to pretend to be his fiancee, The Mighty Maid. He makes out with her and parades his wife-to-be in front of the media, announcing he will move to her home dimension as soon as they get married.

Because Superman didn't tell anyone else of his plan, Lois Lane is heartbroken, watching the man she loves fawning over another woman. When he is seemingly transported to the other dimension and the aliens abandon their attack on Earth, only then does Superman reveal the truth to Lois.

Here's a question - why didn't Superman just... stop the extra-terrestrials? He's freaking Superman! I'm pretty sure there are thousand easier ways to stop an alien invasion than pretending to marry your cousin.

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Warner Bros.

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