10 Insultingly Dumb Superman Comic Storylines

2. Superman's Identity Is Exposed By A Bird - Superman's Family #197 (1979)

Superman Supergirl Kiss
DC Comics

Clark Kent arrives home to learn his neighbours, the Marigolds, had to leave in a rush and so, left their pet myna bird, Samantha, in Clark's apartment. The next morning, Clark hears the bird screaming, “Clark Kent is Superman!” Believing he must have said something in his sleep, Clark realises the bird could expose his identity to the world.

He leaves out a recording on a tape recorder which says, “Clark Kent is a Super NEWS man.” hoping the myna will say this instead. When this plan fails, Clark believes the only logical course of action is to take Samantha to the North Pole, dress up as a giant bird, and squawk at it over and over. The poor thing is so traumatised, Samantha is no longer able to speak properly.

When the the Marigolds ring Clark to check on their pet, they ask if he enjoyed their little prank. It turns out they trained their myna to say, “Clark Kent is Superman!” as a joke. So, the bird needs counselling for the rest of his life… for nothing. Unsurprisingly, the neighbours are never mentioned again.

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