10 Invincible Moments That Shocked The World

1. The End

Invincible Image
Image Comics

With a series like Invincible, you don't really expect anything like a happy ending. An ending with happy moments, sure, but not an entirely happy one - not after everything that had gone down in all the events prior.

But, against all logical possibility, the ending of the series manages to have Invincible and his family basically totally save most of the universe and have them work in harmony, while also discovering that Mark's wife Eve is reborn when she dies due to her superpowers.

Essentially, it sets up for an ending where all our heroes and their families should have several thousand years of happiness set in front of them, which was sure to come as a welcome relief for anyone who'd been waiting for the series to end with fear in their heart.

Maybe it sounds silly to praise a comic for having an extremely happy ending. But with the rest of the series having so many dark developments - and with "grimdark" and edgy endings often being fairly popular - it's wonderful to see a comic go all out with a conclusion that genuinely makes you feel happy, too.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.