10 Invincible Moments That Shocked The World

8. Mark Finds His Brother

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Image Comics

When Mark finally hunts down his father on a planet of blue alien bugs, the last thing anyone was expecting was for Nolan to show him a little purple child, and casually explain to him that this was his half-brother, who his dad had made via some Star Trek-level space shenanigans with one of said insect people.

it's completely surreal, as the minute the pair meet again you expect them to fight - because the last time they saw each other, Nolan was beating his poor confused son into the ground. Instead, the pair appear genuinely happy to see one another, although Mark is understandably more than a little confused about his new baby brother.

And he only gets more confused, as Nolan explains that the toddler before him is actually only three weeks old, and that his alien heritage means that he ages at a rate far faster than what would be normal for a human. While this isn't a direct threat to new baby Oliver's life, as Nolan's species live for thousands of years, it does mean that things are more than a little weird - especially when Mark takes the baby to live with him and his mother.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.