10 Laziest Comic Book Villains

6. Condiment King

Professor X Red Skull brain
DC Comics

The further down the list of DC villains you go, the more ridiculous they get. But absolutely none are a match for Condiment King when it comes to stupidest character and yes, that includes Kite Man.

Inspired by Adam West's pun-heavy Batman series, Condiment King doesn't really stand a chance against any of the heroes in the DCU, but he could have at least tried. In his first appearance in Batman: The Animated Series, he nearly caused his own demise after slipping on his own sauces and falling off a building.

Steadily gaining experience, Mitchell Mayo becomes a bit of a thorn in Robin's side and the two often come to blows. Due to his whimsical nature, law enforcement fails to acknowledge the danger he presents, but Robin isn't fooled. Though he does narrow down the danger to the possibility of giving someone a fatal allergic reaction.

If he stopped to take himself seriously, Mayo could actually cut the mustard as a villain by simply dropping the sauces. Some of his weapons are brilliant, and if you filled them with acid, or liquid nitrogen, you'd have yourself a very dangerous man.

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