10 Laziest Comic Book Villains

4. Penguin

Professor X Red Skull brain
DC Comics

Oswald Cobblepot is one of Batman's most famous enemies, but think about it for a second; what has he actually done?

The guy just waddles around with an umbrella gun and very little else. He's not big, he's not strong, he has no powers at all and his list of deformities stretches for miles.

All this means that when it comes to a one on one fight, he's not going to come out in the best shape.

It's not like Penguin isn't aware of this either. There isn't a single plan he has come up with that involves him doing the work by himself. As much his posturing would have you believe this is a confident, strong man, he knows that without his goons, he is nothing.

This would also explain why his goon squad is so full of weak-minded people. He targets people at the very bottom of society because he knows that they have nothing to live for and would do anything for someone who shows them vague kindness.

So, next time you see Penguin, just think about how easy it would be to take a swing and run away.

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